Sunday, December 30, 2012
2013: The Year to Do It!!
The New Year always bring in new resolutions and goals. Well - actually- goals tend to roll over from year to year. I think most people do a great job making goals, but the tough part is following through.
I know that's usually where my struggle is. I can make a list of goals with the best of 'em. They'll be ambitious and noteworthy. By March or April, I'm feeling discouraged, and by May, my goals have been abandoned and are collecting dust.
I would create a list of 12 or more goals; however, I have decided that less is more. I'm not as good as multi-tasking and multi-goal reaching as I would like to think that I am so in 2013, I'm keeping it real; and keeping it simple.
I have three goals for 2013. When I complete those, I'll add some more.
Here are my goals:
1. Run a half marathon (Race date: August 2013)
2. Write 200 pages of a spiritual memoir
3. Have poems published in six publications.
I started on the first two goals. I found two training schedules online, and I have written then in my planner. Training starts Jan. 7 and I found two possible marathons for early August. I just have to pick one.
I've been working on my spiritual memoir more often. I typically do all of my creative writing by hand. Eventually, I'll type my spiritual memoir so that I can see how many more pages I need to write.
I think I have taken the most important step which is focusing my mind on achieving those goals. I have found that when I can set my mind to do something, I'm more likely to get it done - no matter what it is.
This year, I am not over-committing to a bunch of goals. I want to take baby steps and reach my goals one by one. This year, I plan to be like the tortoise who wins the race by being consistent and taking it slow and easy. I've tried to be the hare, exerting a lot of energy at the start of the race only to wind up not meeting my goal.
I encourage you to keep it simple this year and for heaven's sake: just do it!
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