I hadn't. As I browsed the site and learned more, I found it be an ideal place for me to share my creativity with the rest of the world without hopping on a place. Many times when I tell folks I have an Etsy shop, most are unfamiliar. Here's some information on what Etsy is.

According to their site, Etsy is "the world's most vibrant handmade marketplace." It features millions of items made by the hands of crafters all across the world. Etsy is the perfect place to find one of a kind gift items and every day needs. From custom wedding dresses to wall art to hoodies to feather earrings to makeup to baked chocolate chip cookies. The possibilities are endless.

What I appreciate about Etsy is the vastness of its offerings and it has created an accessible bridge between those who love to create and those who love to buy handmade items made with a purpose and with care behind them. Thousands of shops exist on Etsy. You can support local handmade artists in your area by checking out this link: http://www.etsy.com/local?ref=fp_nav_local

If you have a few minutes, take some time and explore Etsy. You're bound to find something special, unique and heartfelt.
Have a great day.
Yours Sincerely
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