
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Be 1 of 30

Hey guys,
It's been a while since I written a blog. A lot of has happened in the past couple months. I have moved into a new room, went through two weeks of intense Resident Advisor training, started school, began physical therapy, did a poetry slam and the list goes on and on. 
Now I’m back and ready to blog more consistently. 
Starting today, I begin a campaign “30 likes in 30 days.” Currently, I have 70 people who like Yours Sincerely Facebook page. I would like to get that number to 100. If one person a day likes my page, I will reach my goal. 
You can become of one of the 30 here. By clicking here and liking the page:

I use my Facebook page to let you know about my new products. Sometimes before they hit my Etsy store. I also promote specials and coupons via Facebook But my page is more than a place for me get you to buy my products, it’s also a place where we become partners. Over the past couple of weeks, I have uploaded pictures of cards that I am working on and asked people their opinions. I have changed the designs based on people’s feedback. 
Be one of the 30. 
Have a great day. 
Yours Sincerely

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